Tuesday, 5 April 2011

yg x terluah akhirnya terluah..

06-04-2011 1.40 am
awal pagi atau lewat mlm
patut da membuta tp belum pun ag
bak kata pepatah
mlm masih remaja..kikikiki

sbenarnye baru jap td kitorg ada wat heart-to-heart
means ckp ape yg sepatutnye org lain xtahu supaya die tahu ape yg die xtahu tu
makne nye kitorg yg tahu ni la kena bagitahu kt org yg xtahu tu
so agk2 korg tahu ke ape yg kitorg cube bagitahu ni...

perasaan lega sgt coz segalanya da terluah
luahan td penuh dgn emosi
siap ada babak nangis ag (konon2)
mara, sakit hati dan berakhir ngan gelak ketawa
lepas ni xnk lagi simpan2
sgt sakit sebenarnya..
luahkan ape yg patut diluahkan
biar sakit skrg jgn sakit lepas ni..
nnt lg parah..

luv u all..mmwaaahh
frenz 4eva..insyaAllah

Monday, 4 April 2011

akhirnya i-city...derrr

lawa kan date tu...
planning g i-city mlm ni..
pakat kumpul kapel masing2..
tggu org ni dtg..
tggu org tu dtg..
akhirnya berkumpul gak walaupun da agk lewat dr yg di janjikan..hehehe

nk dijadikan cite, sebenarnye SITI ROHANI MOHD TAUFEK ni xpenah la jejak kan kaki kat i-city ni since benda ni da open..hihihi cian die..
so nk merealisasikan impian die kami pun bawala die ke sini..siap dgn pasangan sekali..
konon2 nk masuk snoworld, tp mahal sgt la pulak..
so jln2 je la yg termampu..
ni la antara gambar yg sempat di rakam..



mkn time

cerita kedai kopi

-LoVe It-

sometimes people come into ur life
and u known right away that they were meant 2 be there
to serve some sort of purpose
teach u a lesson 
or help u figure out who u r
and who u want 2 become

u never known who these people may be
(possibly ur ROOMMATE,Neighbor,LECTURER,long lost fren,LOVER or even a complete stranger)
but when u lock eye with them
u known that the every moment that they will affect ur life in some profound way
sometimes things will happen 2 u that may seem horrible,painful n unfair at first
but in reflection u find that without over coming these obstacle that u were have never realized ur true potential, strength, will power or hard

our soul...<3
everything happens for a reason
nothing happens by chance or by mean of good luck
illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness & sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of ur soul
without dis small test
whatever they may be
life would be like a smoothly paved
but dull & utterly pointless

if someone hurts u, betrays u or break ur heart
forgive them for they have helped u learn about trust
and the importance of being cautious when u open ur heart
if someone love u, love them back
unconditionally, not only b'coz they love u
BUT b'coz in a way they r teaching u to love
and how to open ur heart and eyes
make everyday count
appreciate every moment
and take from those moments everything u could possibly can for u may never be able to experience it again

 talk to people dat u have never talked to before
and actually listen......
let urself for in love again
break free and set ur sights high
hold ur head up b'coz u have every right too
tell urself dat u r a great individual
and believe in urself

create ur own life and then go out and live it with absolutely NO REGRETS
most importantly, if u love someone tell him/her
for u NEVER no what tomorrow may have in store
learn a lesson in life each day u live
TODAY is the TOMORROW u were worried about YESTERDAY

Sunday, 3 April 2011

ktm - abg - afrika - prihatin

kisah bermula ketika perjalanan pulang semula ke shah alam setelah dua hari bercuti..
cuti weekend je pun...hehehehe

biasala kalau hari cuti kos of la ramai org. nk pulak hari ahad n ketapi berhenti n pick up org kt mid. mmg sesak la jawabnye. dlm sesak2 tu ada sorg akak tu ngan ank die 2 org. sorg da agk besar dlm 4 or 5 tahun (abang) n lagi sorg maybe dlm setahun ag dan dikendong oleh si ibu...

sepanjang perjalanan si abang ni mmg xreti diam. asyik bergerak je. bayangkan dlm keadaan yg ramai org dan tengah berdiri. mulut die pulak x henti2 bercakap. tp kdg2 ada yg mencuit hati mase si abang ni bercakap. yg si ibu pulak layankan je la. ank la katakan..

"mama, kita nk g mane ni?"
"kita nk balik rumah la.."
"ooo..mama, line kuning tu nk ke mana?" ( sambil merujuk peta ktm yg ada kt ats pintu )
"line tu nk balik umah kite la."
"kalau biru pulak?"
"yg tu nk g batu cave"
"yeay, abg nk g batu caves la. bole jalan2."
"lain kali kita g, skrg kite kena balik dulu. abah da tggu kt umah"
"ok. mama, jln mane yg paling jauh"
"paling jauh kt afrika la"
"bile kite nk g afrika?"
"ktm ni xleh anta smpai afrika"
"habis tu cmne nk smpai afrika?"
"nnt kita smpai umah, kita naik moto pastu kite g la afrika"
"yeayy..!!! abg nk g afrika la mama. cepatla ketapi smpai sane"

hahahaha..rajin betul si ibu ni melayan si anak. walaupun bdn da letih n berpeluh-peluh. tp ada ag yg menyentuh rasa. si ibu ni perli direct punya.

"kate je buat iklan kami prihatin , tp xde pape pun. sabar ye dik (bercakap dgn si adik), org yg duduk tu sume mengandung, cacat, kite ni mmg sihat walafiat. kesian diorg kan dik."
(sambil merujuk kepada tanda org mengandung, cacat, org tua)

mase ni ramai kot yg terasa pas akak ni ckp cmtu. yela yg diorg ni pun satu. da nampak akak ni bawa 2 org anak, apa la slh nye bagi akak ni duduk. tau la umah msg2 jauh ag. hurmm xtau la nk ckp. 

fikir2kan dan slamat beramal...

Friday, 1 April 2011

Harus & Perlu

   what men should know

a woman who TRULY LOVE YOU will angry at you for so 
many things but will STILL STICK AROUND you no matter how hard the situation.

                                                                                                          from : Nadia Najib

                                                                                                           Pelakon Tambahan